Q:How do I use real world devices in Second life with my Partner and friends?
A: This is a great question! First you and your partner need Lovense physcial devices in the real world. You can visit their website by clicking this link or check out their user guide by clicking this link

MYHOME PANEL is a user-friendly tool designed to help tenants manage their property.
Basic Features:
1. Mailbox – Paying Rent & Invitation management
2. House Button
3. Security Controls
4. Group Management
5. Prim Count Display
6. Re-inviting yourself to the group
7. Add a partner and guest to the group
8. Dance.
The Mailbox – Paying rent & Invitation management Since 2012, Balanvi has used the mailbox as a virtual object to accept tier from residents. No real mail is delivered to the Mailbox like one would expect in a traditional sense. Residents can add time to their balance by making payments of 1-4 weeks per transaction. Residents who pay four weeks per transaction get 10% off. For payments exceeding four weeks, users can manually input the normal per week amount multiplied by how many weeks to pay (no discount). Anyone can add time to a tenant’s balance New tenants who pay the mailbox will gain instant access to the group so they can rez (“spawn”) objects and set their home location. Residents should accept the invitation automatically sent for this purpose. Anyone who does not receive an instant invitation can touch the mailbox and review the local chat for any information about the unfortunate delay. If the menu opens, please use the “Re-Invite me” button. Regular maintenance or other reasons can occur time to time so please do not panic if your request shows as pending in the local chat. An option in the menu called “Fix Invite” will appear for the tenant if something wrong is detected. Also, any old guest or partners who were added by the previous tenant must be removed to gain complete access, something the current tenant can do or wait until the system automatically removes. Tenants also have the ability to add one partner and two guests to the group for the purpose of object rezzing (“spawning”) and setting home location access. Further information on the invitation function is found in the FAQ section below. The mailbox empowers residents who do not wish to wait around for someone to invite them or manage their payments manual. |

Paying Rent – Pay one to four weeks per transaction up to 52 weeks in advance simply
by right click on the mailbox then going to pay.
visit https://www.flickr.com/photos/balanvi/ to view our houses. House Button The house button lets users change the house within the unit. The button is located on the MYHome Panel and accessible only by the tenant & their security whitelist. Some units may also require residents have an active group tag (Ctrl + Shift + G). If you do not have the group tag, use the mailbox to re-invite yourself. The houses available or utilized by the tenant will not count towards their respective prim limit. Modification, alteration or customization by changing the actual objects making up the build is not a service we offer and encourage users to explore their creativity and innovation. When using the house menu consider that it is made up of folders with many houses within them. If you see the “Back” button as an option in the menu, you’re presently within a folder. The main menu offers users a selection of houses categorized by General (PG), Mature (18+) and Unfurnished(G). Tenants may remove an existing house so that they can place their home using available prims. Residents who find themselves falling below the ground upon login or teleporting to their home may need to set their home location closer to the mailbox or ensure an invisible prim resides below the desired landing spot within a house. Use “NEXT” And “PREVIOUS” to browse the folder showing in the menu list. Remember press <BACK> To go to the main folder selection. Touch the house button to see the menu |

The menu is organized into folders with different house options. Castles= Various Castles Mature = Furnished homes with adult animations Unfurnished = Empty homes with high quality designs To return to the main folder selection mentions above press <Back>. Once your in a selected house folder navigate by pressing “previous” or “next”. |
Security Button The security button on the MYHome panel lets you automate ejection of unwanted individuals. The security mode will change to “Eject All” upon new tenant activation (Paying Mailbox). Only the individual tenant and their partner automatically have access to modify the mode or add users to the whitelist. We recommended members turn off the security mode and use the nearby add button within the whitelist. Users within the unit are automatically detected by using the nearby add button, then added as buttons in a menu for your selection. This method enables users to avoid common mistakes associated and observed over time with manual inputs. Second Life once allowed users to have two-word usernames (eg., Y2 Enoch), however now users can only select a one-word username (Kapacorn Resident). The second part or last name will always be “Resident” for newer users who do not have two-word usernames. Hence, valuable information anyone seeking to use the manual input option. Guest added to the mailbox are not added to the whitelist automatically. Anyone added to your whitelist has the potential to change your home. Security Main Menu: 1. White list – list of users who can bypass security when in ( ALL Mode ) 2. Black list – list of users who will be ejected when in ( Black List Mode ) 3. Mode – Used to change switch between ( Off, Scan only, black list and All mode ) |

Managing your Whitelist/Blacklist: 1. Wipe – Delete all users added 2. List – List all users added 3. Add – Manually input users name via local chat. If you do decide to manually input a username please make sure you add Resident as thier last name in the even they have a one word username. 4. Add Nearby – Easily add users visiting your land to the whitelist/blacklist via menu name selection. We recommend you change the mode of the security to off before attempting to use this feature. 5. Remove – individually remove users from your security whitelist/blacklist |
Other Basic Information Paying rent – Right Mouse Click on the mailbox then go to pay. – You must select between 1-4 weeks per transaction. – 10% off if you pay 4 weeks in one transaction. – Anyone can apply payments to your rental box Group Management- Touch your mailbox and wait 2 seconds for the groupgod menu to open – You can invite yourself to the group by pressing Re-Invite me! – You can add one partner and two guest – You must get the person you’re inviting to stand beside the mailbox. – You have the group tag active if you want to rez objects, set home or create an LM. Mailbox Hover info – Individual prim counts are updated every 30 minutes – Prim counts are only include objects you, a partner and guest have rezzed – Shows Remaining paid time Dance Button You can dance anywhere in the sim using our dance balls. Only asks for animation permissions once per dancer per visit. Simply touch the purple dance button to open the menu. If you do not get the menu please reset your viewer. Scene Button – Available on Retreats – Only the tenant can access. – Used to change the surrrounding FAQ IMPORTANT Question: Are transfers available Answer: Yes, Transfers are only available using our In-world HUD and can be used within our network. For more information speak to one of our rental agents or visit our main store to grab a copy of our Transfer HUD. Question: Can we rent on the same parcel: Answer: it is important to avoid renting two units on the same parcel since not exists to itemize the individual prims from each unit. You can rent more than one unit on a region as long as it is not directly below or above you existing unit. QUESTION: Why can I no longer change the house? ANSWER: This is usually because you joined another group and it automatically changed which group you currently have active. Open your list of groups ( Ctrl + Shift + G ) and make sure you activate our group. The same is true of you left the group, you will need to use the mailbox to invite yourself back to the group. QUESTION: Why can’t I, “SET HOME”? ANSWER: Anyone who is added to your mailbox can “set home”. One common issue people forget is they must have the group tag active. QUESTION: Can I deed objects? ANSWER: No we do not allow deeding due to many security risks it presents. If you are trying to deed something for media purposes please refer to our shared media section above. Please use only non-deed tv’s QUESTION: Why can’t I rez? How do I fix a permissions issue? ANSWER: You must have your group tag active in order to rez objects. Open your list of groups ( Ctrl + Shift + G ) and make sure the group that is active matches the land your renting on. If you did not accept the group invitation or left the group, you can use the mailbox to resend an invitation to yourself. Remember the Balanvi Support Tag is not the correct tag. The best way to ensure you are using the correct tag is to look at the about land menu and see what group is deeded to the land. For additional Support, Please search for the group called Balanvi Support. |